Couch Fiction A Graphic Tale of Psychotherapy by Philippa Perry

When reading Couch Fiction you are getting the snap shots of the therapy process from the client perspective as well as the therapist. Although the book is illustrated, like a comic book and it is written with wit and humour, it still takes the counselling aspect seriously.

If you are a new therapist, you have to read this book to see that even the very experienced counsellors can get it wrong or be less present in the room.

If you are an experienced therapist, you should read this book as you will find many situations familiar to you.

If you aren’t a therapist and you have always wondered what is going on in the therapy room- you should read this book. If you are apprehensive or perhaps scared about starting the therapy, this book should put you at ease.

Reading this book, you will learn that the therapist is just another human being, who has feelings, emotions and definitely does not possess a magic wand that will fix everything in the first session. You’ll observe a process of the work that both the therapist and the client have put into the therapy. Yes, it is a work and it can be hard and difficult for both. But don’t be put off by this. Just read the book and see what it is all about :)

Enjoy your reading


On Grief and Grieving - by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler