Really WTH - Self care?

Practice what you preach? 

Okay so my life is ‘hectic’ at the moment. Lately, my days seem to go straight into the other! Before I know it, the week has literally gone, but why?

Setting up a business is no easy task, it’s honestly at the start been relentless.  Most days are taking up with yet another task or project. I look at my list and it feels like it actually isn’t going down! I feel tired and I feel pressured to get things done.

It has been a massive part of my life for a while now, but is it becoming a bit too much? For example, I am even talking about these projects in my sleep? My husband asked me the other morning what URL page I was talking about, apparently I was rambling about home pages in my sleep! 

Plus, if starting a new business is not enough, add in normal life stresses, family, work, Christmas - Oh and another qualification (I honestly vowed after the last one, that was it, but didn’t Benjamin Franklin said “knowledge is the key to success” or something like that!!) it’s no wonder I am a feeling a little stressed out and some what pressured.

Don’t get me wrong in the main I am not complaining, I love my job and I fully appreciate everything I have. But sometimes I just would like to have an easier ride. However, if 2020 has taught me anything - it should be ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’ as you never know what’s round that corner…….. Yet we do?

Also, I am thinking - why do we feel we have to get everything done at once? Why do we put pressure on our selves to get everything so right, when we would never expect it from others? Why is is that we negatively focus on all the stuff we have to do, yet never really look positively at what we have actually achieved?

So this morning whilst I am sitting here drinking my tea with the laptop open, I thought instead of starting or finishing another project, I would write this blog and send a message to you all instead. 

Some people think that as a therapist we are all into peace lilies and ultimate calmness, but honestly that’s not me! Those that know me, know I am the least peaceful, I strive on chaos, I am not at all ‘Zen’ like and as for meditation (what’s that?).

Okay, so I may not be the ultimate role model for meditation, but I can feel and acknowledge when I need to stop and take a break. I know how important it is to look after your self mentally and physically. Especially when you are feeling overwhelmed. So today I have dedicated a ‘I don’t care’ day – for 24 solid hours I am going to do ME time, that will include a binge on Netflix Christmas films, eating mostly rubbish, and trying to forget everything on that damn list. I will turn off and ignore the phones until tomorrow (unless of course it’s a emergency).

Yep, I am going to practice self care (which ironically I tell my stressed out clients to do)! I know practice what you preach and all that.

So, if you are reading this and this is also you. Ask yourself - are you burning the candles at both ends  – if you are, then join me and take a day or a week to yourself! If you can’t manage a day, then any amount of time will do!  Make it a couple of hours though at the very least!

Do something you love, go to the gym, go for a walk - binge watch rubbish on TV, eat that extra piece of cake, spend some quality time with your kids, or loved ones (if possible). Life really is too short to ‘sweat the small stuff’……

Take a day off from the stresses and worry. Encourage a friend or loved one to do the same.

Oh and grab a glass of whatever tonight, run a hot bath, take that ME time for you! 
And finally get a good nights sleep 💤.


Chocolate covered loneliness..


The Front line…